Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Simple Rules for Coaching FAs

Yesterday, in The Management Letter from Registered Rep, Susan Konig shared some excellent ideas to help branch managers handle their critical responsibility of coaching FAs and FA teams. As part of her article, she shared six steps from Dr. Alden Cass to help even new BOMs coach more effectively. They are:

- Listen proactively to your FAs struggles, goals and frustrations.
- Encourage growth and motivation.
- Accept that each of your FAs is unique and deal with them accordingly.
- Door open policy at all times.
- Educate your FAs on best practices.
- Reinforce positive incremental successes.

Each of these steps is clearly defined in much greater detail in a step-by-step process any BOM improve his or her coaching. To read the entire article, please copy and paste the following link on your browser: http://registeredrep.com/newsletters/branchofficemanager/art_of_coaching_0711/

What struggles / frustrations / successes have you experienced in coaching your FAs and FA teams? Please share them with us. Thanks and good luck. kfg