Monday, January 3, 2011

Start the New Year Right

I realize that discussing New Year's resolutions is so passe that it seems a waste of time. Everyone does it and no one follows through. However, this can be the year you decide to take your business to the next level. Whether you are a financial advisor, team leader or manager you can make some decisions now that can guarantee significantly better growth in the coming year.

1. If you haven't already done so, begin by reviewing your account activity for 2010. Who were your best accounts? Who gave the best and most referrals? Who took a lot of your time but gave nothing in return? In short, analyze your business.

2. Determine what you want to achieve in 2011 and create a plan to achieve it. Remember to set no more than three goals and make them realistic [no one knows you better than you do]. Then establish milestones to measure your progress along the way.

3. Determine what obstacles you will face and the resources you will need to overcome those obstacles and achieve your goals [e.g., your best clients from last year can often be your most important resource to help achieve this year's goals].

4. Discuss your goals with your manager, team members or a friendly rival in the office who will hold you accountable for following your plan.

Now, follow your plan to a more successful you. If you need help, consider hiring a business development coach. If you decide to work with a coach, get their help in setting your goals and get your manager to sign off on them. In addition, if you do a fair amount of business with any given money manager, get them to sign off on the goals as well. More and more money managers are willing to reimburse you for up to half of the cost of your coach if you achieve or exceed goals to which they and your manager have agreed [Note: many firms will reimburse the other half]. Good luck and have a great year. Thanks. kfg